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Indonesia’s State-Owned Firms Plan to Boost Entrepreneurship in 1,000 Islamic Boarding Schools

May 2, 2021, 12.53 PM

JAKARTA, – Indonesia’s State-Owned Enterprises Minister Erick Thohir expressed commitment to collaborate with Islamic boarding schools in Java provinces by providing entrepreneurship programs and sharia-compliant financial services.

“The Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises is committed to collaborating with 1,000 Islamic boarding schools in Java provinces by providing financial support, sharia-compliant financial services, and entrepreneurship programs with state-owned Bank Syariah Indonesia [BSI] and Pertashop [Pertamina’s gasoline kiosk],” said Erick in his Instagram account Sunday, May 2.

The plan is part of efforts to develop economic independence in the Islamic boarding schools and promote a balance of economic development in local communities.

Also read: Indonesian Muslim Cleric is Chief Commissioner of State-Owned Railway Operator PT KAI

Previously, Erick said a good state-owned firm was not only about achieving a positive performance and profit, but also its contribution that can be beneficial for the community at large.

This can be done by creating products and various initiatives that can bring mutual benefits to the communities, said Erick when attending break the fast event held at the residence of an Indonesian Muslim cleric Habib Muhammad Lutfi bin Ali bin Yahya in Pekalongan, Central Java on Friday, April 30.

“In line with what Habib Lutfi has mentioned, advancing the country’s economy is part of efforts to achieve national resilience and we contribute toward our country’s development and success,” said Erick.

Therefore, he urged the state-owned firms to come up with products and initiatives that can bring benefits to many people to build a strong sharia-compliant economic community.

Erick, who also serves as chairman of the Sharia Economic Community, said that in recent weeks he has frequently visited various rural areas in Central Java and West Java to get a closer look at how state-owned companies work together with various layers of society to build a more independent and strong economy in local communities.

(Writer: Akhdi Martin Pratama | Editor: Ambaranie Nadia Kemala Movanita)


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