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Indonesia to Activate 'Virtual Police' Unit To Educate Public on Cybercrime

February 18, 2021, 03.31 PM

JAKARTA, - The Indonesian National Police (Polri) will immediately set up a 'virtual police' unit to reprimand social media users for posting potential content that could be charged under the Electronic Information and Transactions (ITE) Law.

"The virtual police officers will reprimand and explain a potential violation of an article [of ITE Law], including its punishment, then will explain what needs to be done next," said the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo in a response to the revision of ITE Law during commanders meeting on Tuesday, February 16.

"Please work closely with the Communications and Information Ministry so that if such content were found, the virtual police unit will first tackle the matter before the police's cybercrime unit take legal action," Sigit added.    

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The newly-appointed police chief had previously conveyed the plan to establish a virtual police unit when he went through a fit and proper test at the House of Representatives Commission III last January. During the meeting, he said that he would optimize cyber campaigns aimed at increasing public awareness of the importance of personal data security and social media ethics without closing the space for creativity.

In this case, Sigit said, Polri might collaborate with social media users or influencers to reach out to the public so that they will get a proper understanding.

"I think this can involve top influencers so that we get across the message clearly without making others frightened, but how to make people interested in, aware of, and understand the ITE law," he said.

Also readIndonesia to Intensify Cyber Police Activity Next Year, Says Senior Minister

He also instructed his officers to make clear guidelines to resolve a dispute under the ITE Law. The settlement of cases using the ITE Law must prioritize mediation between the complainant and the defendant, he said.

"If it doesn't have the potential to cause horizontal conflict, then they don't need to be detained. Just go through the mediation process," he said.

Sigit also said that a victim should file a complaint directly to avoid confusion. This follows a directive from President Joko Widodo who emphasized that no laws should be used to criminalize certain parties.

(Writer: Tsarina Maharani | Editor: Reska K. Nistanto)


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