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Indonesia Highlights: Parliament Approves Jokowi’s Former Adjutant as Next Police Chief | Indonesian Minister Tackles Covid-19 Vaccine Disinformation | Government Extends Large-Scale Social Restrictio

January 21, 2021, 05.42 AM

Speaking at a hearing with Parliament's Commission VI on Trade, Industry, Investment, Cooperatives, Small and Medium Enterprises and State Owned Businesses, he refuted a hoax based on the vaccines' barcodes.

“The vaccines do not contain a chip that will be implanted on our bodies when we are vaccinated. The barcodes are put on the vaccines to ease their distribution,” said the former owner of Italian Serie A soccer powerhouse Inter Milan.

“The barcodes are used to monitor [the vaccines’] distribution through GPS in real time, and ensure they get to their destination on time as well as with the correct temperature. We take these precautions to prevent irregularities in the vaccines’ distribution.”

Erick admitted that the government will continue to distribute private vaccines, though free vaccines for Indonesia’s population will still be priority. Indonesia aims to vaccinate at least 181 million people to gain herd immunity against Covid-19.


Government Extends Large-Scale Social Restrictions in Java and Bali

The government plans to extend large-scale social restrictions, now rephrased as Enforced Restriction of Community Activities [ PPKM ] in Java and Bali to February 8, after the policy came in force on January 11.

The Ministry of Home Affairs announced that they decided on the step, after the number of daily Covid-19 cases doubled to over 10 thousand after the Christmas and New Year holidays, reaching a new high of more than 14 thousand on January 16.

“The PPKM extension will start January 25 or two weeks after the policy was started on January 11, after we have not seen any meaningful reduction in Covid-19 transmission rates [in Java and Bali],” said Ministry of Home Affairs Director General for Area Administration Syafrizal.

"PPKM will be enforced more rigorously until the number of Covid-19 cases can be reduced significantly. This includes reducing the BOR [bed occupancy ratio].”

PPKM is marked by a bare minimum in the opening of businesses, such as 25 percent capacity in offices or 25 percent of diners in restaurants.


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