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Indonesia and Australia Move Ahead with Beef and Livestock Trade

July 7, 2020, 01.53 AM

Benefits of Australian beef

Valenska said that Australian cows and beef have adjusted their standards to fulfill Indonesian meat requirements such as ensuring it is free from any diseases.

“Australian cows are free of foot-and-mouth disease as well as mad cow disease. Also, Australian beef is renowned for its high-quality and nutrition value.” 

Australian beef has also earned Halal certification from the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), thus is safe to consume for the Indonesian public who are predominantly Muslim.

Read also: Indonesia’s Retno Marsudi Calls for Cooperation in Covid-19 Response during ASEAN-Australia Meeting

Australia exports approximately 75 percent of its beef production to 100 countries. It account for 2.4 percent of the global beef supply.

Indonesia is Australia’s fifth-largest market for beef imports. The other four are China, Japan, the United States, and South Korea.

Read also: Indonesian Health Ministry on Alert for New Swine Flu Strain

On the other hand, Australia has been Indonesia’s largest beef supplier for several years based on data from Statistics Indonesia.

In 2019, Indonesia imported 122,684 tons of beef from Australia. Aside from beef, Indonesia also imports wheat, raw sugar, or sugar canes from Australia. 

(Writer: Yohana Artha Uly | Editor: Sakina Rakhma Diah Setiawan) 


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