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'Let’s Walk My Journey' Exhibition Shows Plight of Refugees in Indonesia

August 22, 2022, 07.01 PM

JAKARTA, – A Bandung-based think thank, Resilience Development Initiative Urban Refugee Research Group (RDI UREF), organized an art exhibition titled 'Let’s Walk My Journey' (LWMJ) from August 6-20 in Jakarta.

A statement provided by RDI UREF recently said that the event aims to build public awareness of the existence and condition of refugees and asylum seekers in Indonesia.

The exhibition showcased artworks from 32 refugee artists from seven countries of origin. The exhibition was curated by Vincent Rumahloine, an Indonesian contemporary artist with works focused on humanity.

“This exhibition opens a space for discussion with artists through public events such as talk shows, film screenings, and book launch,” the statement said.

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Some artworks are showcased during an art exhibition titled 'Let's Walk My Journey' (LWMJ) from August 6-20 in Jakarta.RDI UREF Some artworks are showcased during an art exhibition titled 'Let's Walk My Journey' (LWMJ) from August 6-20 in Jakarta.


The event also saw the participation of Ali Reza Yawari, a refugee from Afghanistan. Ali – born a Hazara – was only 15 years old when he was forced to flee the war and persecution in Afghanistan at the end of 2014.

At his young age, the refugee embarked on a long and arduous journey to India, then to Malaysia and finally to Indonesia.

Ali shared his journey as a refugee in Indonesia through the launch of his first book “Lost in the Calm." The book takes readers into Ali’s perspective in a number of moments of darkness, hope, and longing, which he wrote about over the past six years.

“RDI UREF hopes that more Indonesians will participate in opening the door of opportunity for Ali and tens of thousands of other refugees in Indonesia to obtain their rights,” the statement added.


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