PEKANBARU, – Five seafarers, including the captain of a vessel from India, have tested positive for Covid-19 as the ship docked in Indonesia’s port of Dumai in Riau.
The Indian captain was the first person to have tested positive for coronavirus.
“Then, four more crew members have also tested positive for the Covid-19 after undergoing the PCR (polymerase chain reaction) test,” Dr. Indra Yovi, a spokesperson for the Covid-19 Task Force in Riau, said in a statement on Tuesday, May 4.
Also read: New Covid-19 Variants Spread More Quickly: Experts
Yovi said that the four crew members are experiencing relatively mild symptoms, unlike the captain who has severe symptoms. He is currently receiving special treatment at a hospital in Pekanbaru. The sample of his Covid-19 test was taken to Jakarta for further process whether it is a new variant of the virus or not.
Meanwhile, Yovi went on to add that the four crew members were advised to self-isolate in their ship. The medical team was deployed to check their health condition.
“It is not easy for the medical team to reach the ship by going up the ladder while wearing personal protective equipment. But, it is our duty to provide care to anyone and anywhere,” Yovi said.
(Writer: Citra Indriani | Editor: Aprillia Ika)
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