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Sinopharm Covid-19 Vaccines Arrives in Indonesia

April 30, 2021, 11.52 PM

JAKARTA, – Indonesia is set to increase its stockpile of Covid-19 vaccines, as the country received the first doses of the Sinopharm coronavirus vaccine.

Minister of Communications and Informatics Johnny G. Plate area among the officials who received the shipment, which arrived in Soekarno-Hatta International Airport on Friday, April 30.

“The cargo included 482,400 ready-to use vaccine doses of the Sinopharm China National Pharmaceutical Corporation, and six million bulk vaccines from Sinovac,” said the Nasdem Party [National Democrat] politician.

Also read: 3.8 Million AstraZeneca Vaccines to Arrive in Indonesia on April 26

“This latest consignment of vaccines has brought the number of vaccine doses in Indonesia to 65,500,000 bulk vaccines from Sinovac, as well as 8,448,000 finished product vaccines from Sinovac, Sinopharm and AstraZeneca from our cooperation with the Gavi Covax Facility.”

Johnny maintained that the arrival of the vaccines reflect the government’s efforts to safeguard vaccine supplies for the country. He added that the step is vital, considering how the vaccines are in demand among countries around the world.

Indonesia’s Food and Drug Agency or BPOM has issued emergency use authorization [EUA] for the Covid-19 vaccine made by China’s Sinopharm pharmaceutical company. BPOM’s permit comes on the same day as the vaccine’s arrival in Indonesia.

BPOM head Penny Lukito announcing the EUA for the Sinopharm vaccine at a press conference on Friday, (30/4/2021) Screenshot Youtube BPOM RI BPOM head Penny Lukito announcing the EUA for the Sinopharm vaccine at a press conference on Friday, (30/4/2021)

BPOM chief Penny Lukito said the agency’s decision to issue the EUA to the Sinopharm vaccine was based on reports of its positive results in the United Arab Emirates.

“Phase 3 clinical studies carried out on 42 thousand volunteers in the United Arab Emirates has shown that the [Sinopharm] vaccine has an efficacy rate of 78 percent,” she said in a virtual press conference on Friday, April 30.

“The Sinopharm vaccine is in the form of an inactivated virus.”

Also read: Indonesia Has Administered 15.1 Million Doses of Covid-19 Vaccines

Penny admitted that the Sinopharm vaccine is not without side effects, among them bruises, swelling, headaches, diarrhea, aches and coughs, among other physical effects.

But she maintained that they are still mild and only affected 0.01 percent of those who received the vaccine.

She added that BPOM will carry out a load release over the next two or three days, before they are ready to use. Indonesia will use the Sinopharm and Cansino vaccines from China, and the Sputnik V vaccine from Russia, in its Gotong Royong vaccination drive.

Indonesia aims to vaccinate up to 100 million people through 2022 to gain herd immunity against the Covid-19 pandemic.

(Writers: Deti Mega Purnamasari, Haryanti Puspa Sari | Editors: Icha Rastika, Bayu Galih)


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