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UAE Builds Suspension Bridge in Indonesia’s Rural Area

April 25, 2021, 02.46 PM

LEBAK, – A fully funded suspension bridge by the United Arab Emirates (UAE) was inaugurated by the country’s Red Crescent humanitarian organization in Lebak regency in Indonesia’s Banten province.

UAE Ambassador to Indonesia Abdulla Salem AlDhaheri said the inauguration of the Ciwaru Suspension Bridge marked long-standing cooperation and solidarity between his country and Indonesia.

"This bridge is also part of the humanitarian assistance that has long been carried out by the UAE and its social institutions to help the Indonesian people," said Abdulla in a statement on Saturday, April 24.

Also readIndonesia Eyes UAE, Saudi Investments to Aid Economic Recovery Post-Pandemic

The Ciwaru Suspension Bridge, a 100-meter-long bridge that connects Ciwaru village and Pasir Tanjung village, is divided by Ciberang River.

Abdulla hoped that the bridge could support the smooth-running of the economic and social activities of the people in both villages. Before the bridge was built, the villagers had to travel five kilometers to visit each other. The bridge would allow about 1,000 families to travel easily every day.

"Bilateral relations between the United Arab Emirates and Indonesia are bound by a spirit of brotherhood and solidarity, appreciation and respect, as well as a shared vision between the two heads of state and the people of both nations," said Abdulla.

Also readUAE, Indonesia Collaborate to Develop a Covid-19 Vaccine

The bridge was built in collaboration with a non-governmental organization, Yayasan Relawan Kampung (the foundation of village volunteers), that helps build bridges in rural areas,
The construction of the bridge was completed in 70 days, involving 30 workers and three engineers. All workers were the villagers.

Recently, the UAE through its Red Crescent provided humanitarian assistance to 2,500 landslide victims in West Java and 30,000 people affected by the earthquake in Mamuju district, West Sulawesi province in January 2021.

(Writer: Fika Nurul Ulya | Editor: Erlangga Djumena)



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