2. Vaccine is No Cure for Covid-19: Indonesian Minister
Home Affairs Minister Tito Karnavian said that the Covid-19 vaccine can’t cure coronavirus as it is not a medicine.
“It is necessary to make the public understand that vaccines are not cures,” said Tito on Monday, January 25 in Jakarta.
The minister said the main purpose of undergoing mass vaccination is to build herd immunity. This will only be effective in breaking the chain of transmission if at least two-thirds of the population have antibodies to fight against Covid-19, he said.
Tito said various steps are done by the government to contain the Covid-19 from spreading, including a mass inoculation program.
Besides, the government continues to implement partial lockdown or locally known as Enforced Restrictions of Community (PPKM) across the country, as well as its 4M movement comprising washing hands, wearing masks, keeping physical distancing, and staying away from crowds.
Source: https://nasional.kompas.com/read/2021/01/25/22120641/mendagri-vaksin-covid-19-bukan-obat.