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Anies Baswedan: Jakarta Govt Doing Its Best in Mitigating Covid-19

December 9, 2020, 03.01 AM

Dicky rejects Anies Baswedan’s claims that the Covid-19 situation is under control as evidenced by the positivity rate which went from 8.3 percent to 9 percent in the past week.

“A positivity rate of 8-10 percent is a critical situation. It is very serious. You cannot say it is under control.”

Read also: Resurgence of Covid-19 Cases in Indonesia’s Bali and Jakarta Prompts Govt Advice

Dicky explained how the high number of undetected Covid-19 cases can trigger an uptick in the number of Covid-19 deaths or infected patients requiring hospital treatment.

In countering the result of Anies’ Covid-19 mitigation efforts in Jakarta, Dicky shared that the situation in the city can be deemed under control once the positivity rate hovers around 5-8 percent.

“If you really want to say that the situation is under control then the figure must be below 5 percent.”

Read also: President Jokowi Deplores Indonesia’s Covid-19 Death Rate

Based on Dicky’s assessment, the provincial government must be consistent in enforcing its transitory large-scale social restrictions as part of the Covid-19 mitigation strategy in Jakarta while continually pushing testing and tracing efforts.

On November 21, the city had 125,822 Covid-19 cases then on December 5, it rose to 142,630 confirmed cases.

(Writer: Sonya Teresa Debora | Editor: Sandro Gatra)


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