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Garuda Indonesia World's Most Compliant Airline Concerning Health Protocols: Safe Travel Barometer

November 23, 2020, 08.08 PM

JAKARTA, – Indonesia’s national airline Garuda Indonesia received the top prize for its compliance with Covid-19 health protocols based on Safe Travel Barometer.

The award reflects the flag carrier’s adeptness in implementing unparalleled health and safety protocols amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Garuda Indonesia beat out other global airlines for the award based on the audit results conducted by Safe Travel Barometer.

CEO of Garuda Indonesia Irfan Setiaputra said that the company is the only Indonesian airline to make it to the world’s top 20 airlines list most compliant with health protocols.

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After a comprehensive review of health protocol standards and implementation as well as flight security services, Indonesia’s national airline receive a rating of four out of five.

“This achievement means a lot to our efforts to be resilient and consistent by putting health protocols first in our line of operations to prevent any Covid-19 transmission on our flights.”

During the coronavirus pandemic, the flag carrier has focused on improving its hygiene standards while remaining consistent in implementing health and safety regulations in its flight services including respecting social distancing rules.

He emphasized that despite their adherence to health rules, the airline continues to deliver the same high-quality service and security standards.

Read also: Flag Carrier Garuda Indonesia to Launch Three New Domestic Routes

Safe Travel Barometer assesses health and safety standards preferred by consumers ranging from passenger comfort, service, and overall experience from more than 200 airlines in the world.

Specific indicators which it looks into are the use of face masks by flight attendants, the thorough disinfection of an aircraft, thermal screening, and requiring a health declaration form.

(Writer: Mutia Fauzia | Editor: Bambang P. Jatmiko)


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