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Go On a Virtual Tour of Indonesia and Visit Popular Tourist Sites This Month

November 6, 2020, 08.08 PM

To interact with Indonesia’s whale sharks, travelers had to adhere to certain rules such as maintaining a distance of three meters from the animal’s head and 4 meters from its tail.

Read also: Discover Vibrant Marine Life and Romantic Sunsets at Gili Air in Lombok, Indonesia

“A guide must be present to prevent travelers from getting too close to the whale sharks. Travelers are forbidden to touch the whale sharks, but more information will be relayed during the virtual tour of Indonesia,” said Sukirman.

A new way of traveling’s Julius iterated that future virtual tours of Indonesia will continue with many people yearning to relive the travel experience and explore the many tourist destinations in Indonesia.

“Let’s say there are 500 tourist sites in Indonesia, people cannot visit all of it thus a virtual tour is an alternative for future travels.”

Julius is confident that a virtual tour of Indonesia is an effective strategy to promote the country’s tourism sector that is teeming with rich stories waiting to be revealed.

Read also: A Not-So-Beautiful View of Indonesia Tourism during Covid-19 Pandemic

He explained how the audience will develop a type of attachment for a tourist destination after attending the virtual of Indonesia and hearing the colorful stories about each site.

“After one event, most individuals ask when the tourist destinations in Indonesia will open post-pandemic and other inquiries such as travel bookings and schedules.”

Schedule and registration

‘Virtual Indonesia’ will run every Saturday and Sunday from November 7-29, 2020 starting at 10am local time.

Read also: Live in the Lap of Luxury at These Palatial Resorts in Yogyakarta, Indonesia

To register for a free virtual tour of Indonesia, you can visit and click the ‘Book Now’ feature.

The digital tour will take place on the Zoom platform or you can partake in the month-long event via the Pesona Indonesia YouTube channel.

(Writer: Nabilla Ramadhian | Editor: Anggara Wikan Prasetya)


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