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Indonesia Highlights: Danone Indonesia: Our Goods are Not French-Made | Graft Convict Djoko Tjandra Warned Not to Bribe Judges | Garuda Indonesia Receives Pharma Good Practice Award

November 3, 2020, 01.38 AM

2. Graft Convict Djoko Tjandra Warned Not to Bribe Judges

Presiding Judge at the Jakarta Corruption Court (Tipikor) Muhammad Damis warned graft convict Joko Soegiarto Tjandra, also known as Djoko Tjandra, not to bribe judges.

Damis, who is also the Central Jakarta District Court chief told Djoko this shortly before the public prosecutor read out the indictment at the trial on Monday, November 2.

“Because of that, we warn you not to bribe anymore,” State News Antara quoted Damis as saying.

Damis said if there are people who promise to ‘handle’ the case, it is not true. “Whoever says that they can take care of your brother's case, that is a lie. It's not possible. If someone says so, you are being fooled because that is impossible,” the judge said.

During the trial, Djoko Tjandra was charged with bribing three law enforcement officers with  $920,000 and 200,000 Singapore dollars ($146,400), respectively.




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