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Coronavirus Misinformation is Proving to be a Contagious Trend

July 30, 2020, 07.19 PM

PROVIDENCE, - The global race is on to find a Covid-19 vaccine and treatment of the novel virus, but there seems to be no antidote for the rise of coronavirus misinformation.

Many conspiracy theories, hoaxes, anti-mask myths, and sham cures continue to circulate around the world particularly on social media.

The phenomenon escalated this week when President Donald Trump retweeted a false video about an anti-malaria drug being a cure for the Covid-19 virus.

Another discovery found this week was of Russian intelligence spreading coronavirus misinformation through English-language websites.

Read also: Russian Intelligence Services Spreading Disinformation about Covid-19

Experts worry the torrent of bad information is dangerously undermining efforts to slow the virus, whose death toll in the US hit 150,000 Wednesday.

The US death toll is by far the highest in the world, according to the tally kept by Johns Hopkins University.

Over a half-million people have died in the rest of the world.

Hard-hit Florida reported 216 deaths, breaking the single-day record it set a day earlier. Texas confirmed 313 additional deaths, pushing its total to 6,190.

South Carolina’s death toll passed 1,500 this week, more than doubling over the past month. In Georgia, hospitalizations have more than doubled since July 1.

“It is a real challenge in terms of trying to get the message to the public about what they can really do to protect themselves and what the facts are behind the problem," said Michael Osterholm, head of the University of Minnesota’s Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy.

He said the fear is that “people are putting themselves in harm’s way because they don’t believe the virus is something they have to deal with.”

Rather than fade away in the face of new evidence, the claims have flourished, fed by mixed messages from officials, transmitted by social media, amplified by leaders like Trump and mutating when confronted with contradictory facts.

“You don’t need masks. There is a cure,” Dr. Stella Immanuel promised in a video that promoted hydroxychloroquine. “You don’t need people to be locked down.”

The truth: Federal regulators last month revoked their authorization of the drug as an emergency treatment amid growing evidence it doesn’t work and can have deadly side effects.

Even if it were effective, it wouldn’t negate the need for masks and other measures to contain the outbreak.

None of that stopped President Donald Trump, who has repeatedly praised the drug, from retweeting the video.

Twitter and Facebook began removing the video Monday for violating policies on Covid-19 misinformation, but it had already been seen more than 20 million times.

Many of the claims in Immanuel’s video are widely disputed by medical experts.

She has made even more bizarre pronouncements in the past, saying that cysts, fibroids and some other conditions can be caused by having sex with demons, that McDonald's and Pokemon promote witchcraft, that alien DNA is used in medical treatments, and that half-human “reptilians” work in the government.

Other baseless theories and hoaxes have alleged that the virus isn’t real or that it’s a bioweapon created by the US or its adversaries. One hoax from the outbreak’s early months claimed new 5G towers were spreading the virus through microwaves. Another popular story held that Microsoft founder Bill Gates plans to use Covid-19 vaccines to implant microchips in all 7 billion people on the planet.


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