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Indonesian Army Thwarts Illegal Entry Attempt to Malaysia

June 9, 2021, 12.46 PM

BENGKAYANG, – The Indonesian military has thwarted an attempt by eight Indonesian citizens, including three women, to illegally enter Malaysia through a cross-border post in Jagoi Babang, West Kalimantan.

Sub-commander of the Territorial Task Unit (Satgaster) at Sub-district Military Command (Koramil) 1202-09 in Jagoi Babang, Major (Inf) Katirin, said following a public tip-off the military personnel approached some people who were walking toward the control post.

“The officers immediately ambush and prevent them [from attempting to illegally enter Malaysia],” Katirin said in a statement on Tuesday, June 8.

Also readIndonesian Military Thwarts Smuggling of Rohingya Refugees to Malaysia

Katirin further added that the military officers then performed identity checks and conducted a search. The five men were identified by their initials HM, MT, SR, SY, and HR, while the women were identified as HO, MR, and MH. They are originated from the East Java province.
“None of them can show official documents to cross borders illegally,” said Katirin.

He said that they arrived at Jagoi Babang in Bengkayang regency by using a public bus from the Indonesian city of Singkawang in West Kalimantan. “They got off at Jagoi market and walked toward the cross-border post.”

After collecting all their information, Katirin said that they were undocumented migrant workers who wanted to try their luck in Malaysia. The officers told them that entering another country without official documents violates the Immigration Law. They were also told that Malaysia has imposed a nationwide lockdown to stem the coronavirus from spreading.

The army then helped them to return to their families in Singkawang city.

(Writer: Hendra Cipta | Editor: Teuku Muhammad Valdy Arief)


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