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Indonesian Government Owes Money to Jakarta Hotels Designated as Self-Isolating Centers For Covid-19 Patients

June 9, 2021, 06.13 AM

JAKARTA, – Indonesia’s Covid-19 crisis has cost the country nearly as much in logistics as it does in lost lives or revenue.

The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) has estimated that the government owes about Rp. 140 billion ($9,802,786) to dozens of hotels in Jakarta which were designated to house self-isolating Covid-19 cases.

“The Rp. 140 billion in arrears dates from January to June 15, 2021. The total amount that is owed is more than Rp. 200 billion [$14,000,994], of which the government already compensated Rp. 60 billion [$4,201,180.50],” said BNPB Deputy for Disaster Management Dody Ruswandi on Tuesday.

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“The funds allocated to hotels [designated as self-isolation centers] come from the Ministry of Finance, and much of it has yet to be disbursed. The lack of available funds forced [the BNPB] to halt the designation of hotels for Covid-19 patients to self-isolate themselves in from June 15 onwards.”

Dody urged the Jakarta Provincial Administration to maximize the use of their housing facilities for Covid-19 cases. “The Jakarta Provincial Administration has guest houses that can be used as self-isolation centers for Covid-19 cases, as discussed [with BNPB],” he asserted.

“However the Jakarta Provincial Administration requires time to prepare the guest houses. We also need to further discuss the matter and allow for a gradual transition, as it is not possible to promptly move Covid-19 cases to self-isolate there.”

Also read: Four Hotels in Jakarta Designated As Self-Isolation Centers

Dody added that the BNPB is also taking steps to prepare the Covid-19 Emergency Hospital at the Wisma Atlet complex as a self-isolation center for Covid-19 cases.

He also pointed out that the BNPB is also preparing self-isolation centers in Jakarta’s satellite cities, such as Bogor and Bekasi, West Java.

The government has prepared hotels and other self-isolation facilities for Indonesians returning from overseas, as well as foreign visitors from other countries. The hotels designated as self-isolation centers included the Ibis Senin and Max One Sabang hotels. 

(Writer: Singgih Wiryono | Editor: Egidius Patnistik)


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