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Jokowi to Regional Leaders: Use Regional Budget to Control Inflation

September 13, 2022, 06.48 PM

“Once again, be cautious. If it is not intervened, then there will be an increase in poverty,” the head of state said, adding that the inflation rate is influenced by the increase in food prices.

“We should know the consequences of inflation, especially those related to food prices. The contribution of food prices to poverty is 74 percent. Once food prices rise, it means that poverty (rate) in a region will also increase,” he explained.

To this end, the President called on all regional heads in provinces, districts, and cities throughout the country to be aware of their food supply chains.

He also called to continue to increase the realization of the regional budget (APBD) since it still reached 47 percent as of September 2022.

Source: State News Antara

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