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Two-Headed Calf Born on Farm in Indonesia's East Java

March 8, 2021, 07.09 PM

PROBOLINGGO, KOMPAS.COM - Villagers flocked to a farm in a village in East Java where a cow gave birth to a calf with two heads, four eyes, and two mouths.  

The farm in Probolinggo regency has quickly become the talk of the town as many visitors from neighboring villages wanted to see the rare calf. They took photos and videos of the calf and posted them on social media platforms.   

Heri, the owner of the farm, said the calf was born on Saturday evening, March 6. He was shocked by the discovery of the unprecedented birth defect of his cows. He did not expect that his cow gave birth to a calf with two heads and four eyes. The unusual birth defect that makes the calf suffers is known as bicephaly.  

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Although it was unusual, the farmer was happy to see the newcomer on his farm. Many villagers came to his house to see the condition of the brown calf.

"I hope that the calf will live longer because it was born with an unusual birth defect. Usually, when it is born in such a condition, it won't last long," Heri said.

Hasan, a resident of Talkandang Village, said that he was surprised because this was the first time he had seen a bicephalic calf.

"It's strange because it's the first time happened in this village. I heard from my neighbors that a rare calf was born last night," said Hasan.

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Head of the Livestock and Animal Health Service Office of Probolinggo Regency Yahyadi said the two-headed cow is abnormal. This condition is caused by the interbreeding of artificially inseminated limousine cows.

"Another contributing factor is that the cow has nutritional deficiencies or is under stress during pregnancy. So the cow gave birth to the two-headed calf," said Yahyadi.

Yahyadi added that a livestock officer was feeding the calf with milk by using a straw. 

He hoped that the calf would last long. Previously, another bicephalic calf could only last for three days.

As of now, the calf is looking healthy, he said.

(Writer: Ahmad Faisol | Editor: Khairina)


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