Also Read: Ministry of Transportation Set to Launch Covid-19 Tracking App
Indonesia’s Ministry of Health has packaged health protocols information for tourists in both digital and paper editions.
The country’s tourism industry bases its response on the Ministry of Tourism Regulation Number 10 Year 2019 on Tourism Crisis Management, according to Head of the Tourism Ministry’s Communications Bureau Agustini Rahayu.
“The Indonesian government has provided the website that is managed by the National Covid-19 Task Force as the official source of the country’s Covid-19 data,” said Agustini.
“The Ministry of Tourism has a dedicated microsite which provides details on Coronavirus-related management in the tourism and creative economy sectors,” she added.
Agustini hopes that communities and tourists will find convenience in retrieving travel information regarding Covid-19 updates in the tourism and creative economy sectors through the use of digital technology. (Writer: Inang Jalaludin | Editor: Mikhael Gewati)
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