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Indonesia Highlights: 59 Arrivals from India Contracted Covid-19, Says Indonesian Health Official | Indonesia’s State Bank BNI to Permanently Close 96 Branch Offices This Year | Indonesia Calls on Mal

May 7, 2021, 08.15 PM – A spokesperson for the Covid-19 Mass Vaccination Program of the Ministry of Health Siti Nadia Tarmizi confirmed that 59 travelers, including 10 Indonesians, from India, contracted Covid-19 upon arrival.

Indonesia’s state-owned bank, PT Bank Negara Indonesia Tbk or BNI, is planning to relocate and close permanently its 96 branch offices this year as many customers prefer to use digital services.

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59 Arrivals from India Contracted Covid-19, Says Indonesian Health Official

A spokesperson for the Covid-19 Mass Vaccination Program of the Ministry of Health Siti Nadia Tarmizi confirmed that 59 travelers, including 10 Indonesians, from India, contracted Covid-19 upon arrival.

"As we know that from December 28 last year to April 25, we have detected 59 confirmed cases from India. Of the total number, 49 were Indian citizens and 10 were Indonesians," Nadia told a streamed news conference on Thursday, May 6.

Nadia said that as many as 26 Indian citizens who contracted Covid-19 are undergoing whole genome sequencing (WGS) to look at all of the genes in the body to identify whether they are exposed to the latest variant of coronavirus, called B.1.617, which is common in India.

"The specimen test was also done to the arrivals between December 28, 2020, and April 10," said Nadia.

"We are currently still waiting for the test results, both the positive ones and the specimens that were taken previously," she said.



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