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Travel & Leisure
Where to Find and Indulge in the Best ‘Pempek’ in Jakarta

Where to Find and Indulge in the Best ‘Pempek’ in Jakarta

If you live in Indonesia’s capital city, then you probably know that the best ‘Pempek’ in Jakarta is from Pempek Megaria.
Covid-19 Pandemic Hits One of Jakarta’s Most Iconic Cheap Eats Hard

Covid-19 Pandemic Hits One of Jakarta’s Most Iconic Cheap Eats Hard

The Covid-19 pandemic
Travel & Leisure
Where to Order the Best ‘Nasi Goreng’ in Jakarta to Quell Your Cravings

Where to Order the Best ‘Nasi Goreng’ in Jakarta to Quell Your Cravings

‘Nasi Goreng’ captures the essence of homemade Indonesian food and luckily Jakarta is home to a slew of the best local food vendors.
Travel & Leisure
Which Soto Betawi Resto in Jakarta Counts Among Its Customers Jokowi?

Which Soto Betawi Resto in Jakarta Counts Among Its Customers Jokowi?

Rumah Makan Soto Betawi Haji Ma’ruf is a legendary food stall in Jakarta serving the city’s own beef soup Soto Betawi.
Travel & Leisure
This ‘Gado Gado’ Pushcart is a Hidden Gem in Jakarta’s Menteng District

This ‘Gado Gado’ Pushcart is a Hidden Gem in Jakarta’s Menteng District

Jakarta culinary scene features a cornucopia of affordable and mind-blowing dishes including Gado Gado salad from Pak (Mister) Wahyu
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