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Scientists Study Coronavirus Outbreaks in Europe's Mink Farms

Scientists Study Coronavirus Outbreaks in Europe's Mink Farms

Mink farms in Spain and the Netherlands have sent scientists questioning whether the animals could be a source of new coronavirus outbreaks
France and the Netherlands Added to Mandatory UK Quarantine List

France and the Netherlands Added to Mandatory UK Quarantine List

A UK quarantine has been extended to British holidaymakers coming home from France and the Netherlands amid fresh coronavirus outbreaks
Uptick in New Zealand Covid-19 Cases amid Fresh Coronavirus Outbreaks

Uptick in New Zealand Covid-19 Cases amid Fresh Coronavirus Outbreaks

New Zealand Covid-19 cases have steadily increased amid fresh coronavirus outbreaks in the city of Auckland
Spain’s Latest Coronavirus Outbreaks Affect the Young and Middle-Aged

Spain’s Latest Coronavirus Outbreaks Affect the Young and Middle-Aged

After lifting a three-month lockdown to mitigate the coronavirus pandemic, Spain’s government is now possibly facing a second wave of infections
Coronavirus Outbreaks Inside a Norwegian Cruise Ship

Coronavirus Outbreaks Inside a Norwegian Cruise Ship

Norwegian cruise ship MS Roald Amundsen is at the center of new coronavirus outbreaks which the company said happened due to procedural errors
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