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Eight Private Indonesian Universities To Open On-Campus Clinics for Covid-19 Vaccine

March 31, 2021, 08.40 PM

JAKARTA, - In efforts to prepare for face-to-face learning in the 2021 academic year, Jakarta's Higher Education Service Institute (LLDikti) plans to distribute 28,000 doses of the Covid-19 vaccine for lecturers and non-civil servant educators.

"The number is likely to increase and we will ensure everyone gets a vaccine. We will provide more details later, "said Head of LLDikti Region III Professor Agus Setyo Budi Tuesday, March 30.

According to Agus, following the announcement of the Joint Ministerial Decree (SKB) which has allowed face-to-face learning in educational institutions, his office immediately coordinated with the Jakarta Health Office, the Regional Secretariat of Mental and Spiritual Education Bureau, the Jakarta Secretariat Social Welfare Bureau and the leaders of eight universities in Jakarta which will become the vaccination centers.

Also readIndonesia Steps Up Diplomacy Efforts to Avoid Vaccine Stockouts

Universities that will become the distribution points for the Covid-19 vaccine are campuses that provide Faculty of Medicine and have their own hospitals. 

Here below are the eight private universities:

  1. Trisakti University
  2. Krida Wacana Christian University
  3. Prof. Dr. Hamka Muhammadiyah University
  4. Tarumanagara University
  5. Atmajaya University
  6. Yarsi University
  7. Gunadarma University
  8. Kalbis Institute.

Coordinator of High Human Resources of LLDikti Region III Sri Mastuti said that she will also identify lecturers and educators who will receive the vaccines in Jakarta to ensure the smooth running of the vaccination program. 

"We will collect their details based on the national lecturer identification number, special lecturer identification number, educator serial number, and education personnel identification number from the Higher Education database," Sri Mastuti explained.

The institutions appointed as the vaccination centers will establish their teams and provide training for the vaccinators. 

Also read20.5 Million Doses of Covid-19 Vaccine Distributed across Indonesia

Previously, the Covid-19 vaccine has been distributed to a total of 1,097 people comprising lecturers and civil servant educators on March 12 and 26. 

The government targeted to administer the Covid-19 vaccine to all lecturers and staff, both public and private universities by June 2021.

Universities are urged to prepare themselves for limited face-to-face learning to prioritize health and safety.

Furthermore, the regional government and the regional Covid-19 Task Force will conduct testing if there are symptoms found and conduct tracing if a confirmed case is found. The limited face-to-face learning will be temporarily stopped when a Covid-19 confirmed case is found.

(Writer: Yohanes Enggar Harususilo | Editor: Yohanes Enggar Harususilo)


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